
Daily IELTS Answer – A piece of furniture (Band 6.5)

Describe a piece of furniture you own “I’m going to talk about a piece of furniture I recently bought it. It’s a dining table that I saw in one…

Daily IELTS Answer – Activity near the sea (Band 6.5)

Describe an activity near or in the sea you would like to try in the future  “I’d like to talk about an activity that I’d like to try…

Daily IELTS Answer – An unforgettable experience (Band 6.5)

Describe an unforgettable trip “One trip that I can’t [forget about, which is really quite [a] recent one, is when we went to Hong Kong last August. One thing that…

Daily IELTS Answer – An activity with an older person (Band 7.0)

Describe an activity you do with an older person  “I’ve been going out for a walk with my grandfather for a long time. It has become a habit [for…

Daily IELTS Answer – A book you want to read again (Band 7.0)

Describe a book you would like to read again “A few years ago, I read a biography about Catherine The Great, I have always loved history so it…