
Daily IELTS Answer – Names (Band 7.0)

Is your surname a common one in your country? “No it’s not, because my surname comes from Portugal and there aren’t many Portuguese people in Brazil because where…

Daily IELTS Answer – Elderly People (Band 6.5)

Why do some older people only remember happy things? “I think that‘s one of the benefits of human beings, by forgetting negative or sad things in our lives,…

Daily IELTS Answer – Learning Languages (Band 6.5)

Why do some people learn languages so quickly?  “I think that’s down to their [natural talent] and the passion they have for learning new languages. Or maybe, they…

Daily IELTS Answer – A special meal (Band 7.5)

Describe a special meal I’d like to share with you a meal I ate two months ago, 2 months ago it was my graduation party so I hung out…

Daily IELTS Answer – Holidays and Travel (Band 6)

Do you like to travel alone? Yeah, I prefer to travel with my family but I always travel alone but it’s interesting because you can find other people…