Daily IELTS Answers

Daily IELTS Answer – Activity near the sea (Band 6.5)

Describe an activity near or in the sea you would like to try in the future 

“I’d like to talk about an activity that I’d like to try at some point in the future. The activity is scuba-diving. I actually learned scuba diving in India 2 years back. I heard about it from my friend and he showed me some videos about about it, and that [piqued my interest] in it. I was scared at first, but after a few weeks I became very comfortable doing it. After that, even though I’m in Qatar, I want to try to do the same thing here. Qatar’s beaches are called a [pearl of the sea], so I would like to do scuba diving near the Qatar beaches. I could see lots of fish and pearls in the sea, and also the [endangered species] of fish in the sea. I would like to go scuba-diving in the next few months. I would go with some of my friends because I’m scared of doing it by myself.”
+ Grammar: 2 years back = 2 years ago. 
+ Expression: It piqued (pee’kt) my interest(it made me interested in smth.) – “My brother piqued my interest in scuba-diving.”  – “A video on YouTube piqued my interest.”
+ Vocab: endangered (very rare, not many in the world) – “There are endangered animals in zoos, to protect them from hunters.”

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