IELTS Speaking Test Part 3

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Question Types – Your Country & Society

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Question Types Your Country and Society Mark Teacher

Why do I need to know this?

Many IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions ask specifically about your country’s cultures, customs, traditions and attitudes towards different topics.
Here are some examples:
  • What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?
  • Where do people in your country buy clothes?
  • Is it popular to learn English in your country?

How do I answer these Part 3 Question Types?

Here are the grammar and language structures you saw in that video again:

Structure #1 – Behaviour & Examples

  • There is / There are…

    • There is a lot of renovation and development in the big cities like London and Manchester.
    • There are a lot of Chinese and Indian restaurants all over the UK.
  • You can see [smth]+ [verb-ing]

    • You can see people + talking in the street
    • You can see children playing on their phones
    • You can see customers buying Western products
The easiest approach to these questions is to give an example of what people generally do in your country.
Here is an example answer using these structures:
  • Are people talkative in your country? 
Absolutely. In my country, you can see people chatting with each other all the time. We are always talking to someone, whether it’s on the phone or to the staff in the supermarket or even the bus driver. I think it’s because most people live in smaller towns and villages so there are a lot of close-knit communities who are very friendly and chatty with each other.

Structure #2 – The Passive Voice

  • Object + be verb + 3rd form verb

You only have between 30 seconds and 1 minute to answer each IELTS Part 3 question, so you can’t always go into incredible amounts of detail. The passive voice will help to describe something is done by many different people all across your country. Waiters, customers, office workers, passengers and so on. This is perfect when you talk about culture, customs, food or laws, and is another way to give general examples quickly but still clearly.
For example:
  • In Spain, paella is often served with seafood.
  • English is taught in many private academies all across South Korea.
  • Most children are taught how to write code or build websites in Canadian schools.
Here’s another full Part 3 answer using all the approaches and structures you’ve seen in this post:
  • Do you think people in your country enjoy violent movies?
There are lots of people who enjoy action movies, for sure, which almost always have explosions, car chases and shoot-outs. Even superhero movies which are aimed at younger audiences contain quite a bit of violence, like fist-fights and weapons. I suppose the only time violence is frowned upon is when it’s extremely gory or gratuitous, like they are trying to shock you, and some audiences don’t enjoy that.

You try!

Here are some IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions about Your Country & Society. Use some of the approaches in this post to answer these questions!
  • What types of art do people like in your country?
  • What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?
  • Where do people in your country buy clothes?
  • Is it popular to learn English in your country?
  • Are there many people who want to become actors in your country?
  • What things do people in your country usually borrow?

Study more IELTS Part 3 Question Types: 

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions usually come in 5 different question types. Here they are.


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