Daily IELTS Answers

Daily IELTS Answer – Parties (Band 7.0 – Part 3)

Daily IELTS Answer – Parties (Band 7.0 – Part 3)

What are the differences between children’s and adults parties?

J: There are a lot of differences between kids and the parties you throw when you’re an adult. For example, one of the main differences could be the alcohol and its consequences. Children shouldn’t drink alcohol, whereas adults use to have more fun and to try to beat their shyness. Another big difference could the time of the day they are celebrated. For kids it usually involves sometime during the day, whereas for the adults, it starts in the evenings and end in the night. Those are two main differences. Sometimes, in fact, the adults behave like children!”
+Collocation: beat (emotion) – beat shyness – beat laziness – beat addiction – to overcome or defeat a difficult emotion
+Vocab: whereas – contrasting phrase
+Vocab: in fact – actually / surprisingly

D: While children’s parties are usually simpler, I think adult parties are more complicated because kids just need some food and music, but adults are not that easy, so many some adults prefer to play games like kids, while other adults prefer music and dancing, others just like to sit and talk. So adult parties have more variety than when you are a kid, so it’s easier to throw some kids parties than with adults.”
+Vocab: while – contrasting phrase
+Collocation: throw parties – host or hold a party

Do you think parents should spend lots of money on their kids parties?

J: It’s a difficult question because the problem is sometimes parents start to celebrate their parties, because your kids’ friends parents also throw parties. There’s always some family with more money, and it’s painful to not be able to match the expectations of their kids. For example if they go to a party with a clown or in a nice place, but you can only do it with a [on a small budget] the kids won’t be satisfied with that. In the end, I think it’s better to spend the minimum necessary and the kids don’t really need that many expensive toys to have a good time. So I think keeping it cheap would be better.”
on a small budget – using little money / cheaply / with a very limited amount of money to spend
+Collocation: keep it cheap – spend little money  

D: I don’t think parents should spend lots of money on their kids’ parties, because their kids are too young and can’t appreciate or even enjoy this party. It’s pretty usual and normal in Brazil, it’s not even an extreme example, there are even some 1st birthdays, the mothers and the kids dress up like each other and the decoration is like a wedding, so I think that kind of stuff is a little bit extreme, it’s wasted money, because the kid is too young. If they get used to big parties, they won’t value this event at all. They will get spoiled. So I think parents shouldn’t spend a lot of money, independent of what the parents think, they need to do something simpler and smaller, and they need to spend more time with their friends instead.”
+Vocab: an extreme example – an example that is very strong, but probably not true for most people or situations.
+Vocab: spoiled (adj.) – raised or taught to have very high or unrealistic expectations (about food, houses, technology, toys and so on.)  

See the full list of Daily IELTS Answers here

Thanks to Jaime and Daiane for the answers! 


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