Daily IELTS Answers

Daily IELTS Answer – Friends (Band 7.5)

Do you prefer spending some time alone or time with friends?

“Lots of friends is maybe too much, but maybe one or two friends, I think it’s because we’re alone here in Germany, and we don’t have much contact (uncount.) with our friends. I also  prefer to talk about girl things / girl talk / (guy talk.), which my husband doesn’t.”
+Grammar: contact (uncountable.) – a lot of  contact / much contact / a little contact 
+Vocab: It depends on my week / my mood / my social energy
+Vocab / Phrases: 
girl talk / guy talk 

What qualities do you look for in a friend?

“They should be funny, I like funny people who can laugh at almost everything, but they should also have an opinion about things, I don’t like people who won’t don’t have opinions about things. I like to learn from them, so I like intelligent people because you can always gain some new knowledge from that person.”
Collocation: gain knowledge

What do you normally do with your friends?

“I only see them on vacations so we like to go to restaurants or get together at each other’s house and catch up. When I was living in Brazil, we used to go to parties but we don’t do that anymore.”
+Phrasal Verb 
get together – to meet with your friends or family for a small gathering or social events – We [get together] every weekend.
+Vocab: Noun – Get together – a casual meeting or gathering (5 people) – We’ve having a small get together this evening, do you wanna come?”
+Phrasal Verb – catch up – talk about new things in your lives – share recent updates

How do people in Brazil make friends?

“There are a lot of ways to make friends, you can start when you’re at school or when you grow up in the same neighbourhood. I have friends from work, which makes sense because you’re colleagues and it’s really normal. I think at university you can make friends, which is an amazing social experience.”
+Collocation: make friends 

See the full list of Daily IELTS Answers here

Thanks to Daiane for the answers! 

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