Daily IELTS Answers

Daily IELTS Answer – Boredom (Band 7.0)

— Do you ever get bored? —

“I used to get bored when I was a kid, and that was awful but today, I don’t have time to get bored because the internet has taken over my life, there’s always something to do or to watch. That said, I think boredom is not a bad thing, because you need to use your imagination to stave off boredom.”
+Collocation: stave off (v.) boredom – to prevent or avoid boredom

— Do you think you get bored more now than when you were a child? —

“I think I got bored more often when I was a kid, like I said, without computers or the internet there weren’t many THINGS to do. With your friends, you could play games, but they weren’t there every summer or on holidays, so I was alone by myself and I didn’t have so many things to do. Nowadays, I have many more hobbies, I like to play guitar and do sports and surf the Internet.”
+Collocation: surf the Internet. – use the internet

— What things do you find boring? —

“Chores are really boring when you have to iron clothes or when you have to clean the house. I hate doing that, and I always try to optimise the way I do the tasks, so they are easier and faster I don’t spend much time doing it. Since I live alone, my mother can’t do it for me any more. My life has changed in that way.”

See the full list of Daily IELTS Answers here

Thanks to Jaime for the answers! 


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