IELTS Speaking Tips: Pausing to Think
Using Fillers, Intonation and Linking Words
or What to say when you need a few seconds to think
Today, we’re gonna focus on more overall IELTS Speaking Test Tips. So you’ve just told a fantastic, full-length story for Part 2 (thanks to your PDF strategy) in your IELTS Speaking Test. 2 minutes disappeared in a flash. You’ve already been speaking for about 8 or 9 minutes – trying to use as many different sentence types and grammar tenses as you can. It’s only natural that your brain is getting a little bit tired.
And then comes Part 3.
The most difficult questions in the test, difficult topics with several different possible answers and question types thrown in for good measure.
So naturally, you might need a few extra seconds to think and gather your thoughts.
As well as that, even during the short and sharp questions of Part 1, you might worry that your examiner will cut you off before you’ve finished.
So today I’ll show you some natural ways to use your words and your voice to let others know that you have more to say in English, while you pause to think. These techniques are especially useful in the IELTS Speaking Test and other standardised English tests, when the questions can be really difficult.
Native speakers naturally use their voice (intonation), fillers (uhm… annnnddd…. sooooo…) and linking words to let others know that they are taking a moment to think or that they would like to keep speaking… So… today we’ve got some incredibly useful tips to use with your words and with your voice to help other English speakers, like your IELTS examiner, understand that you’re going to keep talking.
Technique #1: I understand, but I need time to think.
The easiest technique that we’ll start with is to use a few fillers when you need a little extra time to think, at the beginning of your sentence.
Here are four of the absolute basics:
Hmm… (our go-to word when hesitating or thinking)
They’re great to use instead of a long awkward pause. In general, and in any kind of conversation, these words immediately tell the other person that you understand the question and that you’re thinking about your answer. A long pause makes most people feel uncertain, and they may try to keep talking or may continue on to another question/topic to avoid being awkward!
As another top IELTS Speaking Test Tip, a good technique is to repeat the keywords in the question out loud. It isn’t necessary to repeat the entire question, that can be difficult to remember!
Here’s a couple of examples you can listen to:
Q: How do you think technology has changed education in the last few decades?
A: Hmm…okay…well… technology and education…well, when I was at school we only had a small computer lab which we could use about once a week, but nowadays I see that there are computers or laptops in almost every classroom…
Q: How could the public transportation be improved in your city?
A: Hmm…public transport in Sao Paulo…well first of all the city should make it cheaper to use. Right now it’s too expensive to take a train to work, that’s why I take the bus instead.
Technique #2: Voice Intonation
Using your voice to go up at the end of a phrase indicates that you intend to continue talking.
A lot of students worry that the examiner is going to cut them off before they can finish their full answer. This is probably more likely in Part 1, where your answers are expected to be shorter and more concise than in Part 2 and Part 3.
To show the examiner that you have more to say, and you just need a second to think about your next sentence, use a rising intonation at the end of your sentences.
Checking out these listening clips to hear the intonation:
How often do you exercise each week?
A: Uhm… exercising each week… well, I’d like to exercise more… , but I just don’t always have the time during the week.
What’s your favorite way to travel?
A: I guess I used to like travelling by bus but…I think I prefer trains and planes now because they go so much faster. And, I can start my vacation right away.
A falling or deepening tone marks the end of a phrase or answer. So naturally, use that at the end of your answer, when you’re finished, and you feel you have nothing more to add. The examiner should pick up on the cue, and ask you the next question.
Technique #3 – Use your Linking Words
Another option is to simply use Linking Words to give yourself a little more time to think and to show the examiner you have more to add. A lot of speakers use both intonation and a linking word to think about what they want to say.
You can hear this technique used in Mark’s answers: