Mark Teacher’s Free Weekly IELTS Newsletter
Week 30: School & Education
IELTS Warm-up Questions: School & Education
Warm-up Questions:
- Do you prefer hot or cold drinks?
- Where are you favourite places to drink tea or coffee?
- Do you know anyone who doesn’t like tea or coffee?
- Would you say there is a big ‘coffee culture’ in your country? (This means lots of people like to drink coffee in your country)
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IELTS Lesson – Going ‘Off- Topic’ in Part 2
I’ve mentioned this important tip in previous IELTS newsletters, but I believe it’s worth mentioning again.
There’s a lot of misinformation online, with teachers warning students of going ‘off-topic’ and losing marks.
Not only is this completely false, it also limits students in what they feel they can talk about in Part 2 – which does sometimes affect candidates’ confidence, and therefore fluency.
Don’t let bad advice stop you from getting the IELTS score you need! This video will debunk the myth of going ‘off-topic’ and give you some advice about what you really can talk about in IELTS Part 2.
Bonus video!
Here are some IELTS example answers to some Part 1 questions about School & Education.
Want more high-band sample answers like this?
If you’re struggling with vocabulary and ideas for your IELTS Speaking answers, you can find HUNDREDS more high-band example answers (written and recorded by me) to help you tackle any IELTS Speaking Topic you might encounter.
Get lifetime access to my IELTS Answer Library on Udemy here!
>>> http://bit.ly/IELTSVOCAB <<< Click here if the picture link doesn’t work.
Want even more IELTS Part 2 tips and advice? How about over 75 pages of expert IELTS guidance focused *just* on Part 2? It’s available in my IELTS Speaking eBook here:
IELTS Vocabulary and Levelled Reading
Read these 2 levels of about ‘School & Education’. Every level becomes more difficult but every level has the same meaning. The new words are highlighted, so if you don’t understand a word in Level 2, look back at Level 1 to find the easier synonym! This is a great way to learn new vocabulary!
Level 1: Basic Level 2: Advanced
IELTS Question #1: Why do some students dislike studying at school?
- Level 1:
I suppose most students start to stop listening during lessons when they feel that what they are learning isn’t useful in daily life anymore. In some advanced subjects, like maths and science for example, the lesson material in just academic. On top of that, some schools force their students to learn vocabulary, math solutions, or information through memorising, which isn’t a very interesting way to learn. Finally, some students might not be interested in school, or not be able to concentrate for long, so they feel frustrated because they don’t get good grades, and want to quit. - Level 2:
I suppose most students start to switch off during lessons when they feel that what they are learning isn’t practical anymore. In some advanced subjects, like maths and science for example, the subject matter is just theoretical. On top of that, some schools force their students to learn vocabulary, equations or information by heart, which isn’t a very engaging way to learn. Finally, some students might not be academically-inclined, or have short attention spans, so they feel frustrated because they don’t get good grades, and want to give up.
IELTS Question #2: How can technology be used in the classroom?
- Level 1:
I think teachers can use technology to make subjects more exciting. In other words, instead of describing an interesting animal, they can show their students a video of it, because that would interest them in the subject more. Teachers can also use technology to adapt the lessons to their students’ interests, by showing examples of how the lesson works in real life. Finally, it helps teachers measure their student’s understanding more easily, by allowing them to give online homework or quizzes and look at the results, which also makes teachers’ lives much less difficult. - Level 2:
I think teachers can use technology to bring subjects to life. In other words, instead of describing an interesting animal, they can show their students a video of it, because that would pique their interest in the subject more. Teachers can also harness technology to cater the lessons to their students’ interests, by showing examples of how the lesson applies to the real world. Finally, it helps teachers gauge their students’ understanding more easily, by allowing them to set online homework or quizzes and look at the results, which also makes teachers’ lives much less demanding.
Links and Resources
Find more IELTS-ready vocabulary, collocations and phrases associated with School & Education here!
- http://www.freecollocation.com/search?word=school
- http://www.freecollocation.com/search?word=education
This article contains a great list of pros and cons for using Technology in the classroom. This could be useful not only in Speaking but in Writing too:
Can robots replace teachers in the future? This is another popular IELTS Speaking and Writing topic in Education. Not sure what to say?
Here is a neat little website that lists both sides of the argument, for and against using teachers in the classroom.
IELTS Practice Questions
Putting it all together:
Part 2 Cue Card:
- Describe a school you went to in your childhood. You should say:
- Where it was
- What it was like
- What you learned there
- And how you felt about it
Part 3 Questions:
- Who should be more responsible for education, parents, or the government?
- How can technology be used in the classroom?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying online?
- Do you think school lessons and teachers are necessary for successful learning?
- Do you think teachers will be replaced by computers in the future?
- Do you agree or disagree that schools and universities should only have courses that prepare the students for jobs?
- Do you think the purpose of education has changed?
- Why do some students dislike studying at school?
- What are the most popular courses that people study at universities today?