
IELTS Newsletter – Week 29 – Sleep – November 21st 2019

Welcome to Mark Teacher’s Free Weekly IELTS Newsletter! This week, we’ll be talking about the IELTS Topic: Sleep

Mark Teacher’s Free Weekly IELTS Newsletter: Sleep & Dreams

IELTS Warm-up Questions: Sleep

Warm-up Questions: 

  • Did you sleep well last night?
  • How much sleep do you usually get every night?
  • How do you feel when you don’t get enough sleep?
  • Are you an ‘early bird’ (you like waking up early) or a ‘night owl’ (you have more energy at night)?
  • Do you remember your dreams when you wake up?
  • Do you think dreams have special meanings?
  • Do you often share your dreams with others?

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IELTS Lesson – Part 2 Questions Types & Categories

Part 2 can be one of the most difficult topics to prepare for. 

Thankfully, just like the other parts of the IELTS Speaking test, the exam format is quite consistent. 

In other words, if you look closely, you can see the exact kind of Part 2 topics you need to prepare for. This makes the IELTS test seem more approachable and less overwhelming! 

In the case of Part 2 – the vast majority of cue cards are based on 1 of 4 categories. Watch the video to learn how to prepare more efficiently for your IELTS Speaking test:

Bonus video! 

Here are some IELTS example answers to some Part 2 & 3  questions about Sleep!


Want more high-band sample answers like this? 

If you’re struggling with vocabulary and ideas for your IELTS Speaking answers, you can find HUNDREDS more high-band example answers (written and recorded by me) to help you tackle any IELTS Speaking Topic you might encounter. 

Get lifetime access to my IELTS Answer Library on Udemy here! 
>>> <<< Click here if the picture link doesn’t work.

Loving the IELTS Lesson? Get more tips, advice and strategies in the Complete Edition of my IELTS Speaking E-book, Audio Book and Workbook below!

IELTS Vocabulary and Levelled Reading

Read these 2 levels of about ‘Sleep’. Every level becomes more difficult but every level has the same meaning. The new words are highlighted, so if you don’t understand a word in Level 2, look back at Level 1 to find the easier synonym! This is a great way to learn new vocabulary!  

Level 1: Basic  Level 2: Advanced 

IELTS Question #1: What are the benefits of napping?

  • Level 1:
    I think there are quite a few positives to napping. First of all, a quick, short nap is enough to help you wake up feeling refreshed. Also, a lot of people get bad-tempered when they are tired, so taking a nap can help them feel happier as well. I’ve also read a police guideline that recommends naps before long car journeys, because it wakes you up and gives you a clear mind to drive safely. So I think those are some important benefits.
  • Level 2:
    I think there are quite a few positives to napping. First of all, a quick power nap is enough to help you wake up feeling rejuvenated. Also, a lot of people get irritable when they are tired, so taking a nap can help improve their mood as well. I’ve also read a police guideline that recommends naps before long car journeys because it restores alertness and gives you mental clarity to drive safely. So I think those are some key benefits.

IELTS Question #2: Do you think people get enough sleep nowadays?

  • Level 1:
    Generally speaking, I would say no. Probably because people work much longer hours these days, so they are getting home late and going to bed even later. On top of that, we are surrounded by screens and devices that use our brains, which makes it hard to get enough sleep. In the mornings in big cities, most people look very sleepy, and are walking around looking confused. I even have one friend who has fallen asleep in the middle of a meeting! So I think people are more tired than ever before.
  • Level 2:
    On the whole, I would say no. Probably because people work much longer hours these days, so they are getting home late and getting to bed even later. On top of that, we are surrounded by screens and devices that stimulate our brains, which makes it hard to get a proper night’s sleep. In the mornings in big cities, most people look very groggy, and are walking around in a daze. I even have one friend who has dozed off in the middle of a meeting! So I think people are more tired than ever before. 

Links and Resources

Find more IELTS-ready vocabulary, collocations and phrases associated with Sleep here!

A great article with an even greater picture, showing you the negative effects of not getting enough sleep (Sleep Deprivation). Even 1 or 2 of the points in this image would make a great IELTS answer!

Are boring classes putting you to sleep? Here are some strategies to help you stay awake (this is a current IELTS Part 3 question!)

IELTS Practice Questions

Putting it all together:

Part 2 Cue Card: 

  • Describe a time when you were tired but had to stay awake.
    You should say:
    • Where you were
    • What you were doing
    • Why you were sleepy
    • And what you did to stay awake

Part 3 Questions: 

  • Do you think people get enough sleep nowadays?
  • Are there any situations when people are tired but they have to stay awake?
  • What can a person do to not fall asleep?
  • What are the benefits of napping?
  • Does a person’s age influence the amount of sleep they need?
  • Does working at night have an impact on a person’s sleep patterns?

Happy learning!
Mark Teacher


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