Mark Teacher’s Free Weekly IELTS Newsletter: Memory & Memories
IELTS Warm-up Questions: Memory & Memories
Warm-up Questions:
- Would you say you have a good memory?
- What is your earliest memory?
- Have you ever forgotten an important date, such as a birthday, anniversary or deadline?
- Which do you usually remember more clearly, happy moments or sad moments?
- Do you know anyone who has a ‘photographic memory’? (A photographic memory means you can look at something once, but still remember every single detail about it, such as a phone number, a street name, someone’s clothes)
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IELTS Video Lesson – How to Answer ANY Part 3 Questions
Whether it’s Reading, Writing or Speaking, preparation for the IELTS is key. Having even a simple strategy up your sleeve before the test can make a huge difference to your confidence, nervousness and overall ability to produce language under pressure.
Many students only think they need a strategy or approach for Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test but did you know there is also a very powerful Part 3 technique you can use as well?
Watch the video below to find out what it is!
Here are some practice activites from TESTED, my IELTS Speaking eBook.
There is an IELTS Part 3 question and 4 sentences.
Can you arrange them in the correct order to follow the OREO strategy?
Here’s an example:
What kinds of clothes should people wear in offices?
A. For example, a button-up shirt or a blouse, or trousers and a long skirt, as well as dark-coloured oxfords or flats.
B. I suppose workers should wear clothes that are professional and formal.
C. Because employees should dress smartly in order to appear credible and competent for both their bosses and clients.
D. So I think those would be some appropriate items of clothing for the office.
B – C – A – D
- Do you think young people should be allowed to play dangerous sports? (Rugby, Boxing, Skiing etc.)
a. Yes, absolutely, if they enjoy it, they should do it
b. Plus, if they get hurt, they will also heal quickly since they are young.
c. So I think young people should be able lot play sports even if they are dangerous.
d. because I think kids and teenagers should try new things and learn their limits as it gives them confidence.
____ – ____ – ____ – ____
- Are zoos good places for wild animals?
a. In zoos they get fed by human zookeepers, so they become dependant on human help and stop being ‘wild’ animals.
b. That said, I do support zoos as a last resort for endangered species who are on the brink of extinction, like giant pandas or rhinos.
c. I don’t think so because the animals often lose their hunting instincts
d. or become aggressive and dangerous due to the fact that zoos usually can’t recreate their natural habitat accurately.
e. So I think it depends, but generally I don’t think zoos are the best place for wild animals.
____ – ____ – ____ – ____ – ____
3. Why do some people buy things that they don’t need?
a. I’ve even read somewhere that 20% of online purchases are made in the bathroom!
b. As well as that, online shopping has gotten so much easier that you can buy something with just one click.
c. So I think those are some reasons why people have been spending more money on non-essential items these days.
d. Especially nowadays, when people feel stressed, more and more people seem to be turning to retail therapy, so in shopping centres and departments stores, you can find lots of people in stores at around 5 or 6pm after work.
e. Well, I suppose most people buy things that they don’t necessarily need when they make a snap decision.
____ – ____ – ____ – ____ – ____
- A – D – B – C
- C – D – A – B – E
- E – D – B – A – C
Enjoying those IELTS practice activities? You can get HUNDREDS more in my IELTS Speaking eBook, which includes a 130-page workbook full of IELTS Speaking activities!
IELTS Vocabulary and Levelled Reading
I’m also going to use the OREO strategy to structure my answers for the Levelled Vocabulary section below. Can you see the OREO structure in my answers?
Read these 2 levels of about ‘Memories & Memory’.
Every level becomes more difficult but every level has the same meaning. The new words are highlighted, so if you don’t understand a word in Level 2, look back at Level 1 to find the easier synonym! This is a great way to learn new vocabulary!
Level 1: Basic Level 2: Advanced
IELTS Question #1: Can people rely on their memories when recalling events from the past?
- Level 1:
Not always, because after some time has passed, it’s common for our memories to slowly disappear, so small details get lost. Colours, years and names, for example, usually become unclear after a while, so our memories aren’t always right. As well as that, I’ve read that when people are in stressful situations, their memories are very poor because their brains are directing more blood into their muscles to help them run or fight. So I know the police sometimes have a hard time getting correct descriptions of criminals from victims. So I don’t think people can totally rely on their memories all the time. - Level 2:
Not always, because after some time has passed, it’s common for our memories to fade, so small details get lost. Colours, years and names, for example, usually become hazy after a while, so our memories aren’t always reliable. As well as that, I’ve read that when people are in stressful or scary situations, their memories are very poor because their brains are directing more blood into their muscles to help them run or fight. So I know the police sometimes have a hard time getting accurate descriptions of criminals from victims. So I don’t think people can totally depend on their memories all the time.
IELTS Question #2: Do you think technology helps people remember past events?
- Level 1:
I suppose it does, especially since social media websites tell their users about their previous posts and pictures, which can help them experience some happy memories again. For example, sometimes Facebook shows me pictures from when I was 18 or 19 years old at university, and all those memories return and it makes me feel quite nostalgic. So I think technology can help to activate our memories and remember things well.
- Level 2:
I suppose it does, especially since social media websites remind their users of their previous posts and pictures, which can help them relive some fond memories. For example, sometimes Facebook shows me pictures from when I was 18 or 19 years old at university, and all those memories come flooding back and it makes me feel quite nostalgic. So I think technology can help to jog our memories and remember things well.
Links and Resources
You can find even more IELTS-appropriate vocabulary, collocations and phrases about Memory & Memories here:
Is technology making our memories worse? This study from BigThink.com reveals some interesting answers:
How can we improve our memories? Here are some useful tips you could even apply to your IELTS or English studies!
IELTS Practice Questions
Putting it all together:
Part 2 Questions:
- Describe a day you remember well because you had a special event.
You can say:
- What happened
- Where you were
- How you felt
- And say why you remember this day.
Part 3 – Questions
- Do you think technology helps people remember past events?
- What memories are most important for people?
- What childhood memories do people usually have?
- Why do people remember very little about things that happened in their early childhood?
- Why is it difficult for some people to remember things?
- Do you think keeping a diary can lead to creating false memories?
- Can people rely on their memories when recalling events from the past?
- Which is better for keeping childhood memories, photos or videos?
- What can people do to help themselves remember information for their everyday needs?
- In what situations is it important to remember information well?