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IELTS Newsletter – Week 14 – Travel – July 25th 2019

Welcome to Mark Teacher’s Free Weekly IELTS Newsletter! This week, we’ll be talking about the IELTS Topic: Travel

Mark Teacher’s Free Weekly IELTS Newsletter
Week 14: Travel

IELTS Warm-up Questions: Travel

Warm-up Questions: 

  • Where did you go on your last holiday / vacation? (British English: Holiday – American English: Vacation)
  • Do you prefer short holidays (1 – 3 days) or longer breaks? (1 – 3 weeks)
  • How do you feel after you come back from holiday?
  • What’s the most unusual travel experience you have had?

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IELTS Lesson – Future Dreams & Wishes

As we continue to focus on Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test, we’re going to look at Part 2 cue cards which ask you to describe Objects, Items or Possessions.

In Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test, the examiner will give you a cue card.

The cue cards are usually about 1 of 5 different topics:

  • Describe a person
  • Describe an experience / situation
  • Describe an object / a possession/ item
  • Describe a future dream or wish ← We’re going to focus on this one
  • Describe a place

Watch my example answer below. The Part 2 cue card for this answer is:

  • Describe a trip that you plan to go on in the near future. You should say:
  • Where this place is
  • Who you would like to go with
  • What would you do there
  • And explain why you would like to go there

As you watch, think:

What word do I use before most verbs in my answer?

Well done if you said ‘Would’!

You can download the transcript to my answer here: DescribeATrip.doc

In my answer, I actually used ‘would11 times! 


Because the modal verb ‘would’ describes a hypothetical action. ‘Would’ indicates that the things I want to do and see are only my wishes and dreams in the near future.

And because the Part 2 cue card was about a future trip, it’s the correct modal verb to use.

[Subj. + would + verb + [obj. / to verb] 

  • I + would + like + (to + visit)
  • I + would + travel to Barcelona
  • I + would + ask Elon Musk about this plans to visit Mars in the near future.

Here’s another Part 2 cue card about a future dream or wish, and here’s a short extract of an answer using ‘would / could’.

  • Describe a language you want to learn (not English). You should say:
  • What it is
  • How you would learn it
  • Where you would learn it
  • And why you want to learn the language

“If I really wanted to learn Korean, I would go to Korea itself and attend an immersion program. I really think that’s the best and fastest way to learn a language because I would be surrounded by Koreans and forced to use my language every day. I think it would be a brilliant experience. Learning a language is the best way to really get to know a culture. I could understand the people better and maybe understand some of the music and the TV shows as well. I’m also a big fan of Korean food, so learning how to order the best meals on the menu would be an added bonus. So I’d like to pick up that language sometime in the future.”

*Bonus Combination*

In my Part 2 video answer about a future trip, I actually used a storytelling technique that featured in Week 10 of my newsletter: Signposting.

Here are the signpost phrases I used: 

  • [Ideally our journey would start]
  • [After that]
  • [and then]
  • [I think after we left California],
  • [Our final destination would be] ​

I used signposting because I was describing a linear experience (start to finish). When I combine signposting with ‘would’, I can create an easy-to-follow, clear and detailed plan for my future trip!


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“I can’t find the right IELTS vocabulary anywhere.”

Are you having any of these problems?

If you’re struggling with vocabulary and ideas for your IELTS Speaking answers, you can find HUNDREDS more high-band example answers (written and recorded by me) to help you tackle any IELTS Speaking Topic you might encounter.

This week in fact, I’ve just uploaded the 250th example answer to the library! With hundreds more to come!

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Loving the IELTS Lesson? Get even more in the Complete Edition of my IELTS Speaking E-book, Audio Book and Workbook below!

IELTS Vocabulary and Levelled Reading

Read these 2 levels of about ‘Travel’. Every level becomes more difficult but every level has the same meaning. The new words are highlighted, so if you don’t understand a word in Level 2, look back at Level 1 to find the easier synonym! This is a great way to learn new vocabulary!

Level 1: Basic  Level 2: Advanced 

IELTS Question #1: How can people benefit from travelling?

  • Level 1: First of all, I think people can get new experiences when they travel abroad, because they will encounter new customs and traditions when they go somewhere different or unique. Secondly, thanks to those new experiences, they can become more understanding and open-minded – they might stop believing in some stereotypes, for example. Finally, they can meet new people and make new friends, so I think there are lots of benefits to travelling.
  • Level 2: First of all, I think people can enjoy new experiences when they travel abroad, because they will encounter new customs and traditions when they go somewhere exotic. As well as that, thanks to those new experiences, they can become more tolerant and open-minded – they might stop believing in some stereotypes, for example. Finally, they can cross paths with new people and make new friends, so  I think there are lots of plus points to travelling.

IELTS Question #2: Why do people need holidays? 

  • Level 1: I suppose people need to relax and get rid of stress when they go on holiday. Working too much can create a lot of restrained stress, and a holiday can help people finally relax and forget about work. If people worked without taking a break for too long, I think they might become exhausted and feel miserable, so I think that’s an important reason why people should take a break occasionally.
  • Level 2: I suppose people need to unwind and blow off steam when they go on holiday. Working too much can create a lot of pent up stress, and a holiday can just help people switch off and forget about work. If people worked without taking a break for too long, I think they might burn out and feel miserable, so I think that’s an important reason why people should take a break every now and then. ​

Links and Resources

You can find even more IELTS-appropriate vocabulary, collocations and phrases about Travelling here:

Fortunately, travelling and holidays are so popular, that the internet has thousands and thousands of articles about travelling and taking holidays. Here are some good ones filled with good IELTS-ready collocations and language.

IELTS Practice Questions

Putting it all together:

Part 2 Questions about Future Dreams or Wishes: 

Describe a trip that you plan to go on in the near future. You should say:

  • Where this place is
  • Who you would like to go with
  • What would you do there
  • And explain why you would like to go there

Describe a language you want to learn (but not English). You should say:

  • What it is
  • How you would learn it
  • Where you would learn it
  • And why you want to learn the language

Describe a celebrity you would like to meet. You should say:

  • Who it is
  • How you know about them
  • What they have done
  • And say why you would like to meet them.

Part 3 – Questions

  • How can people benefit from travelling?
  • Do you like to travel on your own or with friends / family?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling in a group?
  • Do you like to visit popular or lesser-known places?
  • Do you prefer long trips or short trips?
  • Why do people need holidays?
  • Some people don’t like to travel abroad, why?
  • Why are some attractions more globally popular than others?

Happy learning!


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