IELTS Listening

IELTS Listening Tips – Anticipating Answers

IELTS Listening Test Tips – Anticipating Answers

In the audio track of your IELTS Listening test, you will literally hear the words: “First you have some time to look at questions 1 to 5”. Then you get around 25~30 seconds to look at the questions.

During this time, you can read the questions to anticipate answers. In other words, look at the missing words from the gaps to predict what kind of words or phrases you need to listen for.

Having a good knowledge of grammar and vocabulary will help you narrow down the possible options even further.

In this post I will go through a Listening Part 1 of a IELTS Listening test from the Cambridge IELTS 15 practice book.

Under each answer I have put the possible ideas or answers that I could anticipate just by reading the question. You can see how it often narrows down to surprisingly few options.

Here are the first 2 questions:

  • 1. Name of agent:

🤔 – We can’t guess a surname, but we can anticipate when someone’s name will be revealed with the following words about sharing names in conversations:
– Who
– Is called
– Someone / Anyone
– Talk to / Speak to
– Put me in touch with

  • 2. Best to call her in the ________________

🤔 – [Noun: time] – There are only a few possible answers that could go here, especially after ‘the’:
– Morning
– Evening

Listen to the first part of the listening test here and try to find the answers. 


Did you hear the answers? Were any of my anticipated answers correct? 

A: Hello William. This is Amber. You said to phone if I wanted to get more information about the job agency you mentioned. Is now a good time?
B: Uh, hi Amber. Yes, fine. So the agency I was talking about is called Bankside. They’re based in Docklands. I can tell you the address now. 497 East Side.
A: Okay, thanks. So, is there [anyone] in particular I should [speak to] there?
B: The [agent] I always deal with is called [Becky Jameson].
A: Let me write that down. Becky Jameson, [J- A-M-I-E-S-O-N]. Do you have her direct line?
B: Yes, it’s in my contact. Right here we are, oh seven eight six five one oh three. [I wouldn’t call her until the afternoon] if I were you. She’s always really busy [in the morning] trying to fill last minute vacancies.

– Language Focus – Question 2 🧠⚙️

  • She’s really busy in the morning – X (so don’t call then)
  • Don’t call her until the afternoon – ✔️ – (wait for the afternoon and call)


Let’s look at some more questions from this IELTS Listening Part 1 section:

  • 3. Must have good ____________ skills

🤔 [After ‘good’ must be a noun : some kind of important work related skill. There are many possibilities here.]
– Time-keeping
– Organisational
– Interpersonal
– Communication
– Clerical
– Management
– Language 

  • 4. Jobs are usually for at least one ______________________-

🤔 [Must be a noun about a length of time. Must be singular because of “one” (1)]
– Day
– Week
– Month
– Year
– Quarter(?) 

  • 5. Pay is usually £_______________ per hour.

🤔 [Only for 1 hour and measured in British pounds, so must be a small number]
– 5
– 10
– 15
– 20 

Listen to the next section of the audio track and find the answers:


Did you hear the answers? Did we anticipate any correct answers? 

B: She’s really helpful and friendly, so I’m sure it would be worth getting in touch with her for an informal chat.
A:  It’s mainly [clerical and admin jobs] they deal with, isn’t it?
B: That’s right. I know you’re hoping to find a full-time job in the media eventually, but Becky mostly recruits temporary staff for the [finance sector], which will look good on your CV and generally pays better too.
A: Yeah, I’m just a bit worried because I don’t have much [office] experience.
B: I wouldn’t worry, they’ll probably start you as a receptionist or something like that. So what’s important for that kind of job isn’t so much having [business skills] or [knowing lots of different computer systems]. It’s [communication that really matters]. So you’d be fine there and you’ll pick up office skills really quickly on the job. It’s not that complicated.

– Language Focus – Question 3 🧠⚙️

  • It isn’t so much about business or computer systems – X (these skills are not very important)
  • It’s communication that really matters – ✔️ (you must have communication skills)

A: Okay, good. So how long do people generally need temporary staff for? It would be great if I could get something lasting [at least a month].
B: That shouldn’t be too difficult, but [you are more likely to be offered something for a week] at first, which might get extended. It’s unusual to be sent somewhere for [just a day or two].

– Language Focus – Question 4 🧠⚙️

  • She wants 1 month X
  • It’s unusual to get 1 or 2 days – X
  • You are much more likely to be offered something for a week – ✔️ (it is usual)

A: Right. I’ve heard the pay isn’t too bad. Better than working in a shop or a restaurant.
B: Oh, yes, definitely. The hour rate is about [10 pounds, 11, if you’re lucky].
A: That’s pretty good. I was only expecting to [get eight or nine pounds an hour].

– Language Focus – Question 5 🧠⚙️

  • £11 only if you are luckyX (this isn’t usual)
  • She expected £8 or 9 – X (we don’t need this)
  • The rate is 10 pounds – ✔️ is the best match with usual


Let’s look at the next 3 questions from this IELTS Listening test:

  • 6. Wear a ______________________ to the interview

🤔 [Must be some formal clothes appropriate for a formal meeting / interview]
– a suit
x – dress shoes > it can’t be anything plural because we see “a”
– a tie
x – skirt or trousers > it can’t be this either because trousers / pants are plural
– a white shirt / blouse

  • 7. Must bring your _____________________ to the interview

🤔 [Must be a noun – something helpful / important for an interview related to work]
– CV
– references
– portfolio
– passport / ID / documents
– smile(?) / attitude(?) 

  • 8. They will ask questions about each applicant’s ________________________

🤔 [Must be a noun – a common question topic in job interviews or with job agencies]
– experience / skills
– job preferences
– personality type
– future plans / career ambitions
– strengths and weaknesses
– schedule / timetable / availability

Now listen to this part of the test and find the answers:


Did you hear the answers? Did we anticipate any correct answers? 

B: Do you want me to tell you anything about the registration process?
A: Yes, please. I know you have to have an interview.
B: The interview usually takes about an hour, and you should arrange that about a week in advance.
A: I suppose I should dress smartly. If it’s for office work, I can probably borrow [a suit] from mum.
B: Good idea. It’s better to look too smart than too casual.
A: Will I need to bring copies of [my exam certificates] or anything like that?
B: No. They don’t need to see those, I don’t think.
A: What about [my passport]?
B: Oh, yes. They will ask to see that.
A:  Okay.

– Language Focus – Question 7 🧠⚙️

  • They don’t need to see her exam certificates X
  • They will ask to see her passport – ✔️

B: I wouldn’t get stressed about the interview though. It’s just a chance for them to build a relationship with you so they can try and match you to a job which you’ll like. So there are [questions about personality] that they always ask candidates. Fairly basic ones. And they probably won’t ask anything too difficult, like [what your plans are for the future].
A: Hope not!

– Language Focus – Question 8 🧠⚙️

  • They probably won’t ask about her plans for the future – X
  • There are questions about your personality – ✔️


Here are the last 2 questions in this part of the IELTS Listening Part 1 audio track.

  1. The _____________________ you receive at the interview will benefit you

🤔 [Must be a noun – something you positive that you receive during or after an job agency interview]
– advice
– feedback
– options
– questions
– profile 

  1. Less ___________________ is involved in applying for jobs.

🤔 [Must be an uncountable noun because of “less” – something negative and involved in looking for jobs]
– stress
– hassle
– time
– paperwork

Now listen to the last part of the IELTS Listening Part 1 audio track and find the answers:


Did you hear the answers? Did we anticipate any correct answers? 

B: Anyway, there are lots of benefits to using an agency. For example, the interview will be useful because [they’ll give you feedback] on your performance so you can improve next time.
A: And they’ll have [access to jobs] which aren’t advertised.
B: Exactly. Most temporary jobs aren’t advertised.
A: And I expect finding a temporary job [this way takes a lot less time]. It’s much easier than ringing up individual companies.
B: Yes, indeed. Well, I think I’ve covered everything …

– Language Focus – Question 9 🧠⚙️

  • You have access to jobs –X (receive a job is not a natural collocation)
  • They’ll give you feedback so you can improve – ✔️ (improve : benefit)



As you can see, simply reading and thinking about the questions can be extremely helpful in staying focused and listening actively throughout your IELTS Listening test. A good awareness of vocabulary and grammar is also key in helping you anticipate answers to listening questions. This was especially true in Question 6 (“a”) and Question 10 (“less”). 

IELTS Listening tracks often contain a few unnecessary or contrasting details to test that your understanding. But having a limited set of possible answers that you expect can help you focus on the information that is truly important and avoid getting overwhelmed. It also means you rely less on your memory and give yourself more mental energy to focus on your audio track, which should improve your scores! 

Try this technique when you practise your next IELTS Listening test!


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