Do you like to travel alone?
Yeah, I prefer to travel with my family but I always travel alone but it’s interesting because you can find other people [in your own way]. But I prefer to travel in groups but yeah, I don’t mind travelling by myself. In a group you can make jokes, express your opinion, and other friends can share their point of view. So travelling alone is amazing because you meet new people, and you get a very different experience.
You can learn the culture [in your own way]
You can travel [in your own way]
You can explore [in your own way]
When you travel by yourself, you can interact with the locals more.
What can tourists do in Peru?
Tourists can do different things because Peru has different kindS of people and the weather is very different in parts of Peru, it has [a wide variety of] culture and landscapes, the desert, and the forest. People can eat the Pervuian cuisine (kwiz-zeen) in different regionS. Different regionS have different kindS of food. The tourists attractions are very different, you can go to the desert, the forest, the beach, you have a lot of different beautiful choices. It’s amazing. It’s cheaper than other countries, so when I travel there I don’t need a lot of money to travel.
A good dish of food costs only 2000 pesos (3 or 4 USD).
It’s a great place to travel on a budget. (Only $1000)
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Thanks to Eduardo for the answers!