Describe an unforgettable trip "One trip that I can't [forget about, which is really quite [a] recent one, is when…
Are families getting bigger or smaller in Thailand? "I believe they are getting smaller and smaller nowadays, the reason is…
Describe an activity you do with an older person "I've been going out for a walk with my grandfather for a…
What do you think are the benefits of laughter? "I think laughter is a natural behaviour to express the feelings of humans.…
Describe a book you would like to read again "A few years ago, I read a biography about Catherine The…
Is your surname a common one in your country? "No it's not, because my surname comes from Portugal and there…
Why do some older people only remember happy things? "I think that's one of the benefits of human beings, by…
Why do some people learn languages so quickly? "I think that's down to their [natural talent] and the passion they…
Describe a sports person that you like "I'd like to talk to you about one of the most successful players…
What do you think has led to the growth in the tourism industry? I think we’ve really witnessed a huge boom…