IELTS Vocabulary Focus – Weather
Here is a useful vocabulary table containing 10 words you should know if you want to talk about the weather. This is an IELTS Speaking Part 1 topic from…

IELTS Speaking – Vocabulary Focus: Stars and Space
Here is a useful vocabulary table containing 10 words you should know if you want to talk about Stars and Outer space. This is an IELTS Speaking Part…

IELTS Speaking – Vocabulary Focus: Libraries
Here are 10 words every IELTS student should know when they talk about Libraries. Vocabulary Table: “Libraries” Word Part of Speech Definition Library Noun A place where books…

IELTS Writing Task 1 Essay Sample – Dynamic Bar Graph – Household Spending
This Dynamic IELTS Task 1 essay features projected data about the future. We need to use special phrases and grammar to describe data like this. I have highlighted…

IELTS Grammar – Noun Phrases
Using Noun Phrases in IELTS Speaking In many IELTS Speaking questions, you have to talk about your whole country and all the people inside it. For example: How…