Part 1 – Maps (Sept ~ April 2024)
#1 – Are you able to read a map? Yes, I am able to read a map. I find it a valuable skill, especially when navigating unfamiliar places….

Part 2 & 3 – Someone you’ve never met – (Sept ~ April 2024)
Part 2 – 60 seconds to prepare 📝 2 minutes to answer 🗣️ Describe someone you have never met before You can say: – who they are –…

Part 2 & 3 – A sportsperson – (Sept ~ April 2024)
Part 2 – 60 seconds to prepare 📝 2 minutes to answer 🗣️ Describe a sportsperson you admire You can say: – who they are – what sport…

Part 2 & 3 – Bad service – (Sept ~ April 2024)
Part 2 – 60 seconds to prepare 📝 2 minutes to answer 🗣️ Describe a time you received bad service You can say: – where it was –…

Part 2 & 3 – Waiting for a nice event – (Sept ~ April 2024)
Part 2 – 60 seconds to prepare 📝 2 minutes to answer 🗣️ Describe a time you waited for a fun or nice event You can say: –…