History: Prosperous Civilizations 4

10 months ago

- The Kingdom of Mali - "The Kingdom of Mali, established in the 13th century in West Africa, was an…

History: Prosperous Civilizations 3

11 months ago

- The City of Petra - "The city of Petra, nestled within the rugged cliffs of Jordan, is one of…

History: Prosperous Civilizations 2

11 months ago

- Carthage - " The ancient city-state of Carthage, located on the coast of modern-day Tunisia, was once a flourishing…

History: Prosperous Civilizations 1

11 months ago

- The ancient Minoan Civilization - "The ancient Minoan civilization, flourishing from approximately 3000 to 1100 BCE, remains an enigma…

History: Incredible Achievements 4

11 months ago

- Discovering "True North" - "In 1044, a Chinese polymath named Shen Kuo penned a prodigious written work entitled "Dream…

History: Incredible Achievements 3

11 months ago

- Marco Polo - "In 1275, Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant, embarked on an audacious journey that was to be…

IELTS Listening Practice – Addresses and Street Names #20 (Harriet)

11 months ago

Listen to the following audio clip. You can click to reveal the answer below: Did you get it correct? English…

IELTS Listening Practice – Addresses and Street Names #19 (Harriet)

11 months ago

Listen to the following audio clip. You can click to reveal the answer below: Did you get it correct? English…

IELTS Listening Practice – Addresses and Street Names #18 (Harriet)

11 months ago

Listen to the following audio clip. You can click to reveal the answer below: Did you get it correct? English…

IELTS Listening Practice – Addresses and Street Names #17 (Harriet)

11 months ago

Listen to the following audio clip. You can click to reveal the answer below: Did you get it correct? English…