IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3

Part 2 & 3 – Learning something new – (Sept. ~ April 2023)

Part 2 – 

60 seconds to prepare 📝
2 minutes to answer 🗣️

  • Describe an important thing you learned that wasn’t at school or in education
    You can say:
    – where and where it was
    – who taught you / how you learned it
    – what you learned
    – and say what you did with this knowledge

One of the most important things I learned outside of school was how to code.

I was always interested in technology and I decided to teach myself how to code when I was in college. I used various online resources and tutorials to learn the basics of severalprogramming languages, and then started building small projects and experimenting with my own ideas.

Eventually, I was able to land a job as a software developer, which has turned into a successful career. Learning to code has opened up many opportunities for me, both professionally and personally, and has given me the ability to solve problems and create things that I never would have been able to otherwise.

I continue to learn new programming languages and techniques to this day, and I’m grateful for the initial spark that led me to explore this field on my own.

– Do you know how many IELTS Part 2 question types there are? Learn every type and the best ways to answer them here

Part 3 – Learning New Things

#1 – What kinds of things should parents teach their children? 

#2 – Do you think that learning new things is important when you become an adult? 

#3 – Do you think that employees should always be learning new things? 

#4 – How can people learn new things outside of school or education? 

#5 – Do you think it’s easier to learn new things now compared to the past? 

#6 -Why do you think that more people are learning a second language these days? 

– How about Part 3? Here’s how to prepare for all 5 types of IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions

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