Daily IELTS Answer – A Clever Person (Band 7.0)
Describe a clever person you know “A very clever person that I know is… actually, the cleverest person I know is a neighbour of mine. I met him when…
Daily IELTS Answer – Pets (Band 7.5)
Do you have any pets? No I would like to but my husband won’t let me. I had pets when I was a kid and my parents lived on a…
Daily IELTS Answer – Teachers (Band 6.5)
Did you have a favourite teacher at school? “Yes, I always had a favourite teacher, not only at school, anywhere I studied, I always had some teachers who…
Daily IELTS Answer – Fruits and Vegetables (Band 7.0)
What kinds of vegetables are popular in Italy? “Several types of vegetables depending on what you have to cook, like potatoes, especially cooked in the oven (baked) with…
Daily IELTS Answer – A plant (Band 7.0)
Describe a plant (flower, vegetable, fruit) in your country “When I was a child my parents used to talk about the artichoke. The artichoke that we have in…