
Part 1 – Libraries – (Jan ~ Aug. 2023)

10 words every IELTS student should know when they talk about libraries Part 1 - #1 - Are there many…

2 years ago

Part 2 & 3 – Your first day at school – (Jan ~ Aug. 2023)

Part 2 -  60 seconds to prepare 📝 2 minutes to answer 🗣️ Describe the first day at school that…

2 years ago

Part 2 & 3 – Some news about someone – (Jan ~ Aug. 2023)

Part 2 -  60 seconds to prepare 📝 2 minutes to answer 🗣️ Describe a piece of news that you…

2 years ago

Part 2 & 3 – A daily routine you enjoy – (Jan ~ Aug. 2023)

Part 2 -  60 seconds to prepare 📝 2 minutes to answer 🗣️ Describe a daily routine that you enjoy…

2 years ago

Part 2 & 3 – A place at home where you relax – (Jan ~ Aug. 2023)

Part 2 -  60 seconds to prepare 📝 2 minutes to answer 🗣️ Describe a part of your home that…

2 years ago